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Сумеречный разум фильм (1992)

Сумеречный разум

Жанр: триллер
Год: 1994
Режиссер(ы): Ида Дзёдзи
Страна: Япония


Такэда Синдзи, Тоёкава Эцуси

Based on the 1992 cult television series, this film continues the adventures of a pair of brothers who live as fugitives because of their dark psychic powers. Elder brother Naoto (Etsushi Toyokawa) has the power to move things, or people, with the power of his emotions. His younger brother, Naoya (Shinji Takeda), can read minds and see the future. As a result, the former puts up a face of tightly controlled reserve while the latter retreats into introspection. They were taught to control their powers by Dr. Mikuriya in his mountain research institute. In this go-around, the two brothers are in Tokyo when they hear of events surrounding a schoolgirl named Sakie (Hijiri Kojima). After enduring years of taunts and bullying, Sakie accidentally kills five of them with her own psychic powers. Naoto and Naoya try to help the young lass regain some of her fragile sanity, and to control her lethal powers. Yet their efforts are hampered by a clairvoyant snake-oil salesman (Eisuke Sasai) and an o...


Трейлеры и видео

Солум / Фантастика / Приключения / HD


Мумия: Возрождение / Фантастика / Приключения / HD

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